型 號FB800*1400
The purpose of the utility model is to provide a safe and environmental protection type of pollutant intercepting and discharging device, which is safe, convenient, energy-saving and consumption-reducing, and can effectively intercept floating objects on water to achieve warning function. The structure of the utility model comprises a buoy, a main float box, a warning board, a gate blade, a U-shaped connecting ring and a bolt fastener, a steel wire rope, a fixed pier, an upper connecting piece, a sub-float box, a lower connecting piece, a movable hinge support connecting piece and a connecting ring, forming a single floating arresting device, which is composed of a plurality of identical floating arresting devices and is connected by a steel wire rope. The two ends of the wire rope are respectively fixed on the fixed piers on both sides of the river. The other end of the wire rope connects the buoy in series. One end of the buoy is fixed on the main float box. The main float box is connected with the auxiliary float box through the upper connector. The other side of the main float box is connected with the rows of gate blades through the U-shaped connecting ring and bolt fasteners. The lower end of the grid leaf is connected with the auxiliary floating box through the lower connecting piece and the movable hinge support connector.
柏泰塑料科技聚乙烯外殼聚苯乙烯實心填充浮標,采用閉孔聚乙烯外殼聚苯乙烯橡塑發(fā)泡制作,新的聚乙烯 噴涂配方,制作出來的浮標不僅色彩艷麗,而且加的結實用。
2)外層:外層噴涂聚乙烯 彈性體涂層,外表面光潔,不會生銹。并且酸堿曬且具有定的彈性,受到撞擊后可迅速恢復,*跡。色澤鮮艷,*??筛鶕?jù)用戶要求提供各種顏色的制品紅色、橙色、灰色、黑色、等,紅色、橙色等顏色在海上使用顏色的醒目靚麗。兩端采用吊環(huán)或者法蘭聯(lián)結,安裝、移動、使用方便。法蘭、吊環(huán)等鐵件部經(jīng)過理。
水域定位塑料浮標 航道警示帶燈航道浮體
深海海域警示pe浮標 浮體類產(chǎn)品,因其用途不同,使用環(huán)境各異,浮體的外形、個體尺寸、受力結構設置、以及內(nèi)部是否需填充發(fā)泡等,都不樣。請朋友們選購時,定詳細說明浮體的使用要求,以便于我公司設計出符合您使用要求的合理結構滾塑工藝,別適合加工形狀復雜、體積較的浮體。次成型,可制作較厚的壁厚,材料老化能力強,海水,可加工各種比較殊的顏色。低密度聚乙稀四點低密度聚乙稀塑料韌性好,沖擊性能,尤其適合于各類塑料制品。低密度聚乙稀塑料重量輕,便于安裝和搬運,運輸轉(zhuǎn)移成本低。低密度聚乙稀塑料,長,長達15年以上。低密度聚乙稀塑料價格低,明顯于鋼體等其他類。
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